FPOAFM Nomadic Studios is a collective that was founded in 2006 as a way to create and expand a community of like minded artists interested in functional ceramic artwork. FPOAFM (pronounced “Poem”—the F’s are silent) employs a carefree, blasé,-whatever humor balanced with a serious attention to quality within the specific utility of the piece and ceramic material. FPOAFM operates on a project driven basis and maintains attitude and goals outside of a sustainable financial business model. These beliefs allow FPOAFM members to create functional works of art rather than a soulless craft-commodity, and give each member freedom to create what they want without any moral sacrifice.
FPOAFM’s membership ranges at anytime from two to fifteen people and operates on a project driven basis, using currently available materials...whatever is currently around or has recently been stolen.
If you would like to get in touch with FPOAFM, email us here.
We encourage(and enjoy, even) collaborative projects and would love to make potteries that fit within our current interpretation of our vague and constantly changing philosophy. Get in touch.
Chooze Yir Own Adventire, CLick for a CRMX Maze
Cut the Shit and Goto the CRMX-Archive
Some Current and Past Members